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Welcome Nail Enthusiasts!


Hey nail lovers! My name is Mandi and I'm a licensed Cosmetologist in the state of Oklahoma that focuses on nail enhancements. I've been licensed for about a year, and celebrating my first year in a salon this month! I've always LOVED getting my nails done and that's what sparked my passion for nails in the first place. If I'm being transparent, there wasn't many people in my area that could do the nails that I wanted, you know, the baddie nails with ALL of the extras! I wanted to become the nail tech I've always wanted. Here's a little bit about how I got started in the beauty industry:

When I started cosmetology school, I was working as an LPN in a long term care facility and even though I'd only been a nurse for 4 years, I was burnt out. Once I finished school, I panicked and couldn't bring myself to take the state board and jump into a salon, because I felt COMPLETELY unprepared. I wanted to do nails, but all I learned was a basic manicure! I tried to do hair, but I was not at ALL confident and hair just wasn't where my heart was. After about 8 months, I was absolutely finished with nursing. I cried almost every night because of how miserable I was, and I ruined all of my days off just dreading my next work day. I finally got the guts to schedule my boards, studied, practiced on my mannequin and got my workers' permit to start into the salon.

While waiting for my test date, I practiced on my mannequin hand EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I documented all of it on social media. I began selling myself before I was ever even able to step foot into the salon. I was TERRIFIED, but so motivated. I watched YouTube tutorial after YouTube tutorial and practiced as much as I possibly could. I started taking clients at home and told them to tip what they felt necessary, but couldn't charge because I wasn't licensed yet. Once I finally got into the salon, I quit my nursing job immediately and believe me when I tell you that I was so scared, but failure was not an option. I have zero regrets. I can't think of any other way that I could have done it where I'd have been happier. I work for myself in an incredible salon owned by my best friend and I would not at all be where I'm at without her, or the salon she's given me the opportunity to work in for the last year.

One thing I've noticed since starting this journey is that the resources for nail techs, especially in my area, are almost non-existent. I have to travel a couple of hours to get to my closest nail supply store, or order supplies online and sometimes theres no guarantee that orders will be received in a timely manner. I've been searching for continuing education to improve my shaping and nail art, and the classes are slim to none, AND they're at least a 4 hour drive to another state. I have big dreams for this business of mine, and part of that consists of me encouraging other nail enthusiasts to start their journey and help them in any way that I can. I'm hoping this site will help answer any questions, or offer resources to those just starting out or even those further along in their nail journey that just need inspiration.

I'm so excited you guys are here and appreciate everyone's support! Let's slay some sets together! 💅

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